QuizUp World Cup 2017

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QuizUp World Cup 2017
Dates Registration closed: January 4th, 2017
Tournament duration: January 7th, 2017 - March 25th, 2017
Attendance 55
Winning Team Singapore India Antarctica Asia: 450🌸
Director(s) USA Timson
Server Host Canada ScraggyKing20
Moderators Peru Joel, Singapore DJ Leafeon
Editors USA Ally

The QuizUp World Cup 2017 was an 8-team, double elimination tournament with rules loosely based on the osu! World Cup.


Team Rules

  • You must have between 4-8 players on a team.
  • The players must all be above Level 70 in the Pokémon topic (excluding the special 8th team).
  • The players on a team must be from the same region.
  • Unless the slots in your region's team are full, you may not play for a team whose location you are not geographically residing in.
  • No more than 1 player over Level 500 at a time is permitted to play for a team in a given round (one set of games). This means that your team must have at least 3 players under Level 500.
  • For teams of 6 or more, you must have at least 4 players under Level 500.

Match Rules

  • If both teams are available at a given time, they may agree to schedule a live match. A live match is where everyone on the team actively discusses and plays matches at the same time.
  • First-to-3 for rounds up to semifinals, First-to-4 for semifinals, Winners' Finals, and Losers' Finals, and First-to-5 for Grand Finals.
  • Before the tournament starts for the week:
  1. Each team captain picks four people to play in the first round (set of games).
  2. Every player participating that week will play one match in the QWC: Warm-Up Pool and upload their screenshots to their team channel on the QuizUp World Cup Discord.
  • After the tournament starts:
1) For the first round, your opponents will be posted on the corresponding match channel in the QuizUp World Cup Discord. The games will be played on the main Pokemon topic. Players on each team will play against the set of four on the other team, in four separate 1v1s depending on level order. (ie. the highest leveled player chosen to play will face the highest leveled player chosen on the other team, etc.)
2) You will have 16 hours to complete these matches. When completed, upload the screenshots to Discord on your team channel.
3) When all games in a round have been completed, the moderators will compare the wins and losses of each team.
  • If one team has more wins, they gain the point.
  • If teams have the same number of wins, the tie is broken by total score.
  • If the total scores are the same, the tie is broken by the total scores of the winners on each side.
  • If the total scores of the winners are the same, then another round is played. If there is a result, then the winner gains 2 points. If it's another tie, both teams gain a point.
4) After points have been allocated, the next round is played.
  • For a team with 5 available players, one person must be swapped out each round.
  • For teams with 6 or more available players, two players must be swapped out each round. Starting from semifinals, every player must also play at least once in a set.
5) If both teams are 1 point away from winning, a tiebreaker is played on the QuizUp World Cup topic. Some tiebreaker questions are taken from the QWC: Warm-Up Pool, and most will be original.
6) The first team to fulfill the winning condition wins.



Place Team Sent to Losers' by: Eliminated by: Earnings
1st Singapore India Antarctica Asia Europe -- 450🌸
2nd UK Finland France Germany Portugal Ireland England Europe USA Pacific Asia 225🌸
3rd Canada Canada Asia Europe 125🌸
4th USA USA Central Asia Europe
5th USA USA Pacific Canada USA Central
5th USA USA Southeast Asia Europe
7th USA USA Northeast USA Southeast USA Central
7th USA Fighting Porygon Team Canada Europe


Team Leader Other players
USA USA Pacific Charlotte Cheren, Tiffany, Sapphy, Flapjacked, Contra, Jay, Meow
USA USA Central flaminMudkipz Rashaun, Fireblaze, LegendOfMetroid, Zenji
USA USA Northeast Dama Kyotoshi, Ally, Spooky Ghost, Guy Named Haroff, Joice, Icy, Lillie Peeko
USA USA Southeast Night Furry Wobbs, Sean, Maddie, Lucian
Canada Canada Trevor Essica, Pooka, Amos, Th3RainBr0, Blaziken
Europe Finland Tolpheros UK Insanuu, France LPZ, Germany Jannik, Portugal Miguel, Germany Archie, Ireland Conor, England chazdamizta
Asia Singapore Bean India Tushar, India Sohan Roarceus, Antarctica Katsu, Singapore Lycanroc, Singapore Suzu, Singapore Rayner, India Yerakio
USA Fighting Porygon Team ShadowZ Squiggs, Cythulu, Leafyyy, The Dr. Gamer, Youalreadyknowwhoitis, AndrewPlayz