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Modifications increase/decrease the difficulty of getting a good score in a given game, with either advantages or disadvantages given as a result of them.

QWC: Sburban Rumble

Difficulty-increasing mods

  • OsuHR.png Hard Rock - If you get a score of 140 or lower, your final score is halved. However, if you are to tie against your opponent, you will win instead. (If both players have this on, the tiebreaker advantage is removed.)
  • OsuDT.png Double Time - If you lose any points, the point loss will be doubled. However, if you are to tie against your opponent, you will win instead. (If both players have this on, the tiebreaker advantage is removed.)
  • OsuSD.png Sudden Death - You may choose to activate this as a team. If anyone on the team loses their matchup, the entire game point is lost. However, if overall wins are tied, the team that has this on will win. (If both teams have this on, this mode does not count.)

Difficulty-reducing mods

  • OsuEZ.png Easy - You will receive a 3 point buffer to your final score. Your maximum score possible will still be 160. However, in the event of a tie or loss, your final score will be halved (rounded down) and you will lose. (If both players have this on, the tiebreaker disadvantage is removed, but score will still be halved.)
  • OsuHT.png Half Time - If you lose any points, the point loss will be halved. However, your maximum score will become 120.


  • OsuNF.png No-Fail - Once per tournament, your team can count the result of any matchup from a single game as a draw instead of its original result.

QWC: The Summer Games 2017

Difficulty-increasing mods

  • OsuHR.png Hard Rock - Varying degrees of score penalty are imposed on the user.
  • If you score 150-160, you will gain 1 tiebreaker advantage.
  • If you score 120-139, your final score will be reduced by 15%.
  • If you score 100-119, your final score will be reduced by 30%.
  • If you score 0-99, your final score will be reduced by 60%.
  • OsuHD.png Hidden (main topic only) - You will play one extra game on the current topic against a random opponent from the other team for added effects. The game you played against your proper opponent will count as the final score. Each team leader may select a fourth of their own team (rounded up) to exclude from being chosen for these matches at any time during the match. For the remainder of the match, these selections cannot be changed.
Normal Result OsuHD.png Random Result Effect
Win Win Win + 5 points
Draw Win
Loss Draw
Draw Win Draw + 1 tiebreaker adv.
Draw Draw + 1 tiebreaker adv.
Loss Draw + 1 tiebreaker disadv.
Loss Win Draw
Draw Loss
Loss Loss, score halved
  • OsuDT.png Double Time - If you lose any points, the point loss will be doubled. This mod always gives one tiebreaker advantage.

Team mods

  • OsuSD.png Sudden Death - You may choose to activate this as a team. If anyone on the team loses their matchup, the entire game point is lost. However, if overall wins are tied, the team that has this on will win. If both teams activate this, the mod does not apply.
  • OsuPF.png Perfect - You may choose to activate this as a team. If anyone on the team drops a point, the entire game point is lost. However, if every player scores perfectly, they take the next topic pick from the opponent. If both teams activate this, the mod does not apply.

Difficulty-reducing mods

  • OsuEZ.png Easy - Varying degrees of leniency are imposed on the player. However, in the event that you have either 1) tied with or lost to your opponent after score adjustment, OR 2) your opponent has a difficulty-increasing mod that gives them a tiebreaker advantage and received a higher score than you before score adjustment, your final score will be halved (rounded down) and you will lose.
  • If you scored 155-157, you will gain 1 points.
  • If you scored 140-154, you will gain 2 points.
  • If you scored 120-139, you will gain 3 points.
  • If you scored 100-119, you will gain 4 points.
  • If you scored 0-99, you will gain 5 points.
  • OsuHT.png Half Time - If you lose any points, the point loss will be halved. However, your maximum score will become 130.


  • OsuFL.png Flashlight - Only one person can use this mod per match, and only once that match. Instead of playing on the picked topic, you will play on an entirely random topic against a dummy account (outside of the main topic). Your opponent will play on the picked topic as usual, also against a dummy account. The scores for both players will be compared normally.
  • OsuNF.png No-Fail - Once per tournament, your team can count the result of any matchup from a single game as a draw instead of its original result.

Score v2

  • Results are calculated in the following way: Initial change > Truncate > Second change > Results decision > Third change > Truncate
  • If mods would change score, they will do so in this order: OsuEZ.png > OsuNF.png > OsuHD.png > OsuDT.png / OsuHT.png > OsuHR.png

Difficulty-increasing mods

  • OsuHD.png Hidden (HD): Kahoot challenge with 5 questions will be issued for everyone playing HD in that round. Based on your score, you will receive a certain score bonus or penalty.
Kahoot Result Initial Second
3800 - 5000* Score * 1.05 +1 tiebreaker advantage
2000 - 3799 Score * 1.00 N/A
0 - 1999 Score * 0.85 N/A

*If you get 1st out of everyone playing (min. 2), you will get the bonus no matter the score.

  • OsuDT.png Double Time (DT): Applies the following effects. This mod effectively doubles your point drain. Can't use with HT.
Running Score Initial Second
161+ Score * 1.15 +1 tiebreaker advantage
150-160 (2 * Score - 160) * 1.15 +1 tiebreaker advantage
0-149 (2 * Score - 160) +1 tiebreaker advantage
  • OsuHR.png Hard Rock (HR): Applies the following effects on a positive score.
Running Score Initial Second
150+ Score * 1.10 +1 tiebreaker advantage
140-149 Score * 1.05 N/A
120-139 Score * 0.90 N/A
100-119 Score * 0.75 N/A
60-99 Score * 0.40 N/A
0-59 Score * 0 N/A

Difficulty-decreasing mods

  • OsuEZ.png Easy (EZ): Applies the following effects.
Running Score Initial Second Third
155-158 Score = 159 -1 tiebreaker advantage Score * 0.5
XX5-XX9 Score = XX0 -1 tiebreaker advantage Score * 0.5
  • OsuNF.png No-Fail (NF): Applies the following effects.
Running Score Initial Second Third
Any N/A Result forced to a draw Score * 0.5
  • OsuHT.png Half Time (HT): Applies the following effects. This mod effectively halves your point drain. Can't use with DT.
Running Score Initial Second Third
Any 0.5 * Score + 80 -1 tiebreaker advantage Score * 0.3